Cast to TV Privacy Policy

Thank you for using Cast to TV! Your privacy is important to us. This privacy policy is designed to better protect your privacy and help ensure that all visitors have a beneficial casting experience.

We hope the following statement will help you understand how Cast to TV. handles the personally identifiable information you occasionally provide to us over the Internet ("Google Play" platform).

1 Scope

1.1. Cast to TV Application (hereinafter referred to as "Cast to TV ", "we", "our") is committed to protecting and respecting your privacy.

1.2. This policy, together with Cast to TV’s terms and conditions (hereinafter referred to as the “Privacy Policy”), outlines Cast to TV’s privacy practices regarding the collection, use and protection of your information through Cast to TV and the services it provides.

1.3. Your click on the "Accept" button on the Cast to TV will be deemed as your acceptance of this Privacy Policy.

1.4.Generally, we do not collect any personally identifiable information from you when you download our Android applications. Our apps do not require registration prior to download, we do not track consumer access, and we do not even have servers set up to store this type of information.

2. Changes to Privacy Policy

2.1. We are obliged to protect your information in accordance with applicable laws and regulations.

2.2. This Privacy Policy may be modified in accordance with changes in business, legal and regulatory requirements and will be updated online. We will make every effort to communicate to you any material changes to this Privacy Policy. We encourage you to visit this page periodically to review the Privacy Policy and any changes thereto.

3.Inquiries and Complaints:

If you have any questions about our application, you can submit them in the feedback section, and we would appreciate it if you could leave your contact information so that we can optimize the application. Of course, you can also send us an e-mail with your comments and suggestions. In the above cases, we ensure that your personal will only be used to contact you and improve our services. We will never use such information (e.g., your name and email address) for any other purpose, such as to further market our products or to disclose your personal information to third parties for purposes of commercial gain.

We are committed to protecting your personal information we collect and process and look forward to your continued support. If you are concerned about the misuse of your personal information or would like to know more about our privacy policy and what it means, please feel free to email us at and we will endeavor to provide you with a clear and timely response.